Investor FAQ

Arcturus’s investor relations team is happy to answer any shareholder questions. You may contact Arcturus’s investor relations by phone at 858-900-2682 or by email at

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What is Arcturus's business focus?
Arcturus Therapeutics is a leading clinical-stage messenger RNA medicines company focused on the discovery, development and commercialization of therapeutics for rare diseases and vaccines.
Where can I find additional information about Arcturus?
Information can be accessed directly through the Company’s website ( Annual reports on Form 20-F, periodic reports on Form 6-K, and other filings with the SEC can be accessed directly through the Arcturus website or through the Securities and Exchange Commission’s website at
Where is Arcturus headquartered?
10628 Science Center Drive, Suite 250
San Diego, CA 92121
What is Arcturus's trading symbol?
Arcturus ordinary shares trade under the symbol “ARCT.”
Where do Arcturus's ordinary shares trade?
Shares of Arcturus trade on The NASDAQ Global Market.
How many ordinary shares of Arcturus are outstanding?
The total number of shares outstanding for Arcturus can be found in Arcturus’s filings with the SEC at and are also available at
When is the fiscal year end for Arcturus?
Arcturus’s fiscal year end is December 31st.
Does Arcturus offer a Direct Stock Purchase Plan?
No, Arcturus does not offer a Direct Stock Purchase Plan at this time.
Does Arcturus pay a dividend?
Arcturus does not currently intend to declare distributions on its shares in the foreseeable future.
Who is Arcturus's transfer agent and how does a registered shareholder contact the agent regarding account information?
Continental Stock Transfer & Trust Company
Mail/overnight address:
17 Battery Place, 8th Floor
New York, NY 10004
Phone: +1 800.509.5586
Who is Arcturus's independent auditor?
Arcturus’s independent auditor is Ernst & Young LLP.
How do I contact Investor Relations?
Arcturus’s investor relations team is happy to answer any shareholder questions. You may contact Arcturus’s investor relations by phone at 858-900-2682 or by email at
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Arcturus Therapeutics Ltd. is a preclinical-stage biopharmaceutical company primarily focused on the discovery, development and commercialization of RNA medicines using proprietary lipid-mediated delivery system (LUNAR™) and UNA Oligomer chemistry technologies.
Information can be accessed directly through the Company’s website ( Annual reports on Form 20-F, periodic reports on Form 6-K, and other filings with the SEC can be accessed directly through the Arcturus website or through the Securities and Exchange Commission’s website at
10628 Science Center Drive, Suite 250
San Diego, CA 92121
Arcturus ordinary shares trade under the symbol “ARCT.”
Shares of Arcturus trade on The NASDAQ Global Market.
The total number of shares outstanding for Arcturus can be found in Arcturus’s filings with the SEC at and are also available at
Arcturus’s fiscal year end is December 31st.
No, Arcturus does not offer a Direct Stock Purchase Plan at this time.
Arcturus does not currently intend to declare distributions on its shares in the foreseeable future.
Continental Stock Transfer & Trust Company
Mail/overnight address:
17 Battery Place, 8th Floor
New York, NY 10004
Phone: +1 800.509.5586
Arcturus’s independent auditor is Ernst & Young LLP.
Arcturus’s investor relations team is happy to answer any shareholder questions. You may contact Arcturus’s investor relations by phone at 858-900-2666 or by email at